About Paige
Paige is a registered civil engineer (RCE) specializing in stormwater management and drainage engineering. In November 2023, Paige started Surf City Hydraulic Engineering and is currently the Principal Engineer of Surf City Hydraulic Engineering. She is passionate about stormwater reuse, green infrastructure, and improving soil health. Paige’s love for soil and water began in high school through her involvement with FFA and the Johnson County Soil and Water Resources Conservation Youth Board. When her hometown experienced a devastating flood in 2008, she knew she wanted to study water resources. Paige went on to study Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering at Purdue University and earned a Master of Science degree from North Carolina State University. After living and working in North Carolina for a few years after graduation, Paige married her husband, and the two made the journey from Raleigh, NC to Orange County, CA to begin their life together. Throughout her working life, Paige has been involved in many types of projects including site development, green infrastructure design, stormwater master planning, green infrastructure opportunity analysis, dam break inundation modeling, highway drainage, FEMA floodplain modeling, and stream bank stabilization.

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