10 Tips for Getting the Most Out of a Conference

Attending a conference can contribute significantly to an engineer’s career. I have previously worked at companies that were unwilling to invest funds to allow younger engineers like me to attend conferences. Two years ago, I got serious about working on myself professionally. The first phase of this effort involved reading books and listening to podcasts … Read more

Building Your Personal Brand as a Civil Engineer

Engineering is a competitive field when it comes to finding a well-paying job, especially when you are first starting out. A couple of decades ago, engineering graduates with a bachelor’s degree could easily obtain positions in their desired fields straight out of school, even without internships/high GPAs/extensive networking. For most people, those days are gone. … Read more

Mentorship in Engineering – Overrated?

Mentorship is often touted as a key to achieving professional success in the engineering field. For this reason, I set out to find a mentor early in my career. I joined a mentorship program through the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). While my assigned mentor was a great person and accomplished engineer, I found … Read more